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Against Intellectual Property After Twenty Years: Looking Back and Looking Forward

Note: This is chap. 15 of Legal Foundations of a Free Society (Houston, Texas: Papinian Press, 2023).

It is also included as ch. 15 of Kinsella, You Can’t Own Ideas: Essays on Intellectual Property (Papinian Press, 2023) and as ch. 22 of Stephan Kinsella, ed., The Anti-IP Reader: Free Market Critiques of Intellectual Property (Papinian Press, 2023).


On the origins of this chapter: My article-cum-monograph Against Intellectual Property has been translated into several languages. I was asked some time ago to write an introduction for two upcoming Persian translations by two separate translators. Since I don’t have much of particular interest to say pertinent to Iran itself, and can’t see a way to write a separate intro for each of them, and since I already wrote an Introduction for the 2012 LFB edition, I decided to write a new, more general article that could be used as an introduction by either of them, or by any other translations for that matters. It took me a while and the scope kept expanding and it has turned into a full-fledged article, which I used as a chapter in my recent book.

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