Mises blog post. See archived comments below.
This is a good post by John Wiley Spiers about why he thinks intellectual property rights (IPR) are not needed for business to succeed.
Why No IPR
At 22 in 1977 I de-trained at Lo Wu to walk, as required, from Hong Kong territory into Red China to alight a Communist train for business in Canton. From day into night, from Hong Kong to Maoist China. How could cousins, on each side of the border, end up as those with no resources (Hong Kong side) wealthier than their colonial masters, but the communist side with limitless resources, were dirt poor? It took a while to find out, but it was merely ideas, and the most advance explication of the ideas was the Austrian school. Thirty years later I was in Auburn for the week long “university,” hearing what any Cantonese businessman would tell you was just so. It is not lawlessness that explains Chinese uninterest in “intellectual property rights,” it is common sense.
We all know in natural law property rights form when labor is mixed with material, whether land or tools, each according to his abilities. Private property may yield an artichoke or a lawnmower for sale. But a product is the result of ideas mixed with ideas: my own predilections, customers’ ideas and designers’ input. Material, whether land or tools, are limited to one person at a time, given physical limitations. Ideas, like candle light, can be used at once by all within sight, and are endlessly replicable at no cost to the source. In a neat trick, IPR mocks natural law, but is grounded in positive law. Free candle light defies monopoly, hence the pretense of “rights” must be backed up with violence.
How does a free market work? A premise is small businesses are innovators and large businesses are conservators (following Drucker); small introduces innovation, subsequent iterations routinize and commoditize, and eventually conservators (big biz) “steal” the idea, apply the economies of scale (manufacturing, logistics, finance) to the item, and make material goods and services available to the widest possible demographics. Innovators bring out (relatively) few, poor, expensive, and slow… but desirable by enough people to launch a going concern… conservators apply economies’ of scale and make the innovators’ product more better cheaper faster. The free market at once introduces what is needed and then conservator gets the price down to where everyone has access to material goods and services, a symbiotic relationship between the innovator and conservator. See the cell phone, 1980-2010.
In the measure a market is deregulated, the relative freedom produces the benefit. Recall Jimmy Carter deregulating telephony, beer, transportation and normalizing trade with China.
This process generates division of labor, a real source of well being (following Dr. North, contra arch-anarchist Prince Kropotkin.)
In practice those who thrive in small business have not the slightest interest in IPR. If someone “knocks off” my design, necessarily they are using 2nd rate factories, selling to 2nd rate customers… literally none of my business. My first rate customers are not interested in 2nd rate product. I find 2nd rate customers not worth serving. IPR solves a problem that does not exist, in relation to shoddy knock-offs.
Along these lines, when a conservator makes an excellent knock-off of my idea, and lowers the price through superior economies of scale, here again someone is using their factories, capital, etc, to reach customers I never could. Where is the theft? Where is the violation of my rights? This is the flip side of Rothbard’s argument regarding who has the right to control my use of my photocopy machine? What right do I have to complain of Big, Inc using their resources to reach customers I could not?
Marketing is the key to business, not control. In essence, my relationship, is built on the degree to which I listen (oboedire) or obey, my customers. That is marketing, that is what makes or breaks me. My customers judge me and then tell me how I might best serve them. I redesign accordingly, if I want a raise.
Something left out of IPR discussion is we innovators are constantly dropping items in favor of more profitable new items. If I cannot increase sales by improving an item further, or someone has made my product irrelevant with a superior alternative, then I am on to something new, again in deference to customer feedback. It is all about the customer.
Now, say my product gets to the point, after years of profitable iterations on my part, a conservator decides to “steal” my idea. This is not done lightly. The conservator has done the multimillion dollar MIT-expert statistics phd market study necessary to warrant knocking off my product. If it pencils out, Big, Inc knocks me off, lowering the cost, and making my product available to everyone. But Big, Inc runs a risk. Having carefully proved the obvious, that is I have a viable mass market item, I can simply do an IPO, raise the money to be the conservator, and become my conservator’s competitor. See Apple IPO 1980, vs IBM (and everyone else).
After introduction, but before IPO (or not, the vast majority of innovators have not the slightest interest in becoming bigger than a few million per year in sales, life is too short, family is too important to spend it at the office) it is not uncommon for my peers around the world to see my product in the factory overseas. For example a German may desire to try out my USA-proven item in the German market. By prior agreement with the factory, the German will be charged a slight premium, which is paid to me by the factory, deposited locally in my account. I have bank accounts in Canada and Hong Kong for this purpose. In this way, I am compensated for my designs selling worldwide. It is not intellectual property rights, it’s just business. Rockefeller did it with the railroads, I do it with my USA based critical suppliers as well to assure they do not serve my competitors without me being pleased.
IPR poses a false dilemma and solves solves a problem that does not exist. Business challenges, in practice, are addressed in contract, not intellectual property rights. IPR inhibits justice in the distribution of goods and services. It keeps the pie small, leaves ameliorants of wants and needs unavailable or nonexistent. The world would be better off without IPR, but the entrepreneur has an advantage in the marketplace knowing IPR is spurious. Business objectives come faster and easier ignoring IPR.
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Posted in intellectual property by John Wiley Spiers
December 13, 2010 at 8:37 pm
I’m sorry, I literally could not get past the first few paragraphs because of the mediocre (at best) English. Any chance at a cleanup job?
December 14, 2010 at 4:39 am
The following seemed counter intuitive to me,
“If someone “knocks off” my design, necessarily they are using 2nd rate factories, selling to 2nd rate customers… literally none of my business. My first rate customers are not interested in 2nd rate product. I find 2nd rate customers not worth serving. IPR solves a problem that does not exist, in relation to shoddy knock-offs.”
If I take the example of Burberry, a high priced fashion label with a very distinctive tartan design icon. It was as easily replicable as it was distinctive and cheap knock-offs became commonplace, particularly amongs consumers that Burberry’s high priced products did not serve. The tartan design became associated in its home market in Britain with the underclass, football hooligans and welfare queens. This reputational loss damaged sales to those first rate customers who had been paying high prices for up-market Burberry products.
December 14, 2010 at 5:34 am
This is a good example of one evil fostering another. Presumably neither the utility nor the beauty of a product is affected by the design icon. This leaves only the marketability of elitist pretensions, which is all the intellectual property law provides for here. The snob is able to feel superior because of a design icon he and no one else, can get. It’s clear this was the case with Burberry because once it became available to everyone, it lost its value as an elitist symbol.This dovetails well with advertising. The moral purpose of advertising is to inform the public of the availability of a product and its suitability for some particular use.
As currently practiced, the purpose of advertising is to manipulate the public through deception. One deception for example is that I need “exclusive product x” in order to be happy, superior, etc.IPR may support an entire web of immoral activity such as this.
December 14, 2010 at 3:52 pm
But those who oppose IP in fashion and fashion trademarks tout it as a _good thing_ that the absence of IP forces people to go through the new-fashion treadmill a lot more quickly, spending a lot more money to signal the same level of wealth.
Which, incidentally, is just what you accused advertisers of imposing upon people. So it looks like you have it reversed — it’s the absence of IP, if anything, that forces people into the kind of wasteful consumption you hate.
December 14, 2010 at 2:10 pm
With all due respect, if this is a good argument against IP, I would hate to see a bad one.
December 14, 2010 at 6:52 pm
>>What right do I have to complain of Big, Inc using their resources to reach customers I could not?
I assume the argument from the innovator’s point of view would be that Big Inc, by taking the idea and applying its inherent position of advantage to reach customers they could not, completely diminishes the chance for the innovator to ever develop their business to a point where they COULD reach those customers.
>>If I cannot increase sales by improving an item further, or someone has made my product irrelevant with a superior alternative, then I am on to something new, again in deference to customer feedback.
Part of the problem is that without IP laws the incentive to move on “to something new” is greatly reduced. An innovator who pours their sweat and blood into a project, only to find it hijacked by interests that maintain a pre-existing advantage due simply to their capital, may “move on” once, maybe even twice, but after a while, when they watch others grow rich off their work, why bother? May as well go to work for the company that steals the ideas.
>>Having carefully proved the obvious, that is I have a viable mass market item, I can simply do an IPO, raise the money to be the conservator, and become my conservator’s competitor.
It is MUCH more difficult for a start up operation to secure financing, when it lacks the proven synergies and economies of scale of an existing ‘conservator’, than it is for the ‘conservator’ to simply take the idea and convince investors to fund it. By the time the start up operation reached a level where it was able to produce the product on the scale that the ‘conservator’ is able to, the ‘conservator’ has already used its inherent position to secure market share and profit.
A start up is a much riskier investment, not just because of the product, but because of what is involved to build the business to make it available. The ‘conservator’ already has these in place.
As an investor, where would you be more likely to put your money?
In an individual who comes to you with only himself as the mode of production, an unproven track record regarding management, but a great idea and long term promises?
Or a multinational company with the infrastructure already in place, with the same idea, and the ability to make it happen almost immediately?
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