An excellent recent piece on IP by Sheldon Richman, in Reason:
Sheldon Richman on Ownership and Ideas
Sep. 14, 2014 8:30 am
Like many libertarians, Sheldon Richman says he’s learned a lot from Murray Rothbard on a wide variety of subjects. Of course, no one gets everything right, especially someone as intellectually ambitious, multidisciplinary, and prolific as Rothbard. Nevertheless, reading the work of the man who left such a mark on the modern libertarian movement is, for Richman, as profitable as it is pleasurable. While rereading For a New Liberty (first published in 1973) recently, though he was puzzled, which is not the frame of mind Rothbard normally leaves him in. In it Rothbard seems to derive ownership of a final product from “the creator’s mind.”
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