It’s important to distinguish between plagiarism and copyright infringement, because neither implies the other, and defenders of copyright often ignorantly or disingenuously conflate them. Here’s a little Salon discussion about it. [Update: see also KOL207 | Patent, Copyright, and Trademark Are Not About Plagiarism, Theft, Fraud, or Contract]
Salon debate: What is plagiarism?
Allegations of plagiarism and copyright abuse have rocked the art world. Our panel debates where fair use ends
BY EMMA MUSTICHThe last weeks of 2011 were littered with debates over the originality of high-profile published work from spy novels to political cartoons — and the supposed failure of prominent artists and creators to cite their source material. In the coming year, we’re likely to see more pitched battles related to plagiarism and copyright infringements — not least the much-buzzed-about appeal of artist Richard Prince.
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