Fascinating chapter, “The Law of the Sea of Ignorance: F. A. Hayek, Fritz Machlup, and other Neoliberals Confront the Intellectual Property Problem,” by Quinn Slobodian, in Nine Lives of Neoliberalism, eds. Dieter Plehwe, Quinn Slobodian, Philip Mirowski.
Abstract: Aggressive IP rights are often assumed to be one feature of the global neoliberal regime snapping into place since the 1970s. Yet, as this chapter shows, neoliberals themselves have been far from unanimous on the question of when, how, and even if ideas can be treated as property. This chapter focuses on the heterodox Austrian approaches of Friedrich Hayek and his contemporary Fritz Machlup, coiner of both the terms “knowledge economy” and “production of knowledge” and an understudied member of the Mont Pelerin cohort.
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