Positive developments in UK copyright law:
Video mash-ups and song parodies to be legalised (just as long as they are funny)
- Copyright law shake-up to make it easier to transfer files between devices
- iPod and e-book users will not be criminalised if copy is for personal use
- Record companies will not be able to block song parodies
PUBLISHED: 07:18 EST, 21 December 2012 | UPDATED: 11:29 EST, 21 December 2012
Film companies and record labels will not be able to force mash-ups and spoofs to be taken down from the internet under a major shake-up of copyright law.
Ministers have vowed to legalise parodies after countless viral hits have disappeared from sites like YouTube because multi-national firms failed to see the funny side.
It also means the creators of hits like the countless parodies of the Hitler film Downfall, Cassetteboy’s mash-ups of TV shows and the genius behind the Masterchef Synthesia (buttery biscuit base) will no longer be breaking the law by copying and editing popular TV shows.
Parodies of the 2004 film Downfall are now so widespread online there is even one which shows Hitler’s fury at the number of spoof versions
The shake-up, ordered by Lib Dem Vince Cable, also means the hilarious video of his boss Nick Clegg ‘singing’ his tuition fees apology would be freed from copyright control.
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