From a post by C4SIF Advisory Board Member Karl Fogel on QuestionCopyright. We here at C4SIF echo Karl’s congratulations to Nina!
Nina Paley Wins IP3 Award from Public Knowledge!
Submitted by admin on Tue, 2010-08-03 14:45

Congratulations to our artist-in-residence Nina Paley, whom we just learned has won a 2010 “IP3” award from Public Knowledge! She’s in good company: this year’s other winners are Pamela Samuelson, Susan Crawford, and Michael Geist, all names well known to those who follow copyright and Internet freedom. The IP3 awards are given to
individuals who over the past year (or over the course of their careers) who have advanced the public interest in one of the three areas of ‘IP’ –Intellectual Property, Information Policy and Internet Protocol
and will be presented at a ceremony in Washington, D.C. on October 13th.
Congratulations, Nina — you’ve earned it!
Congratulations to Nina! Her brief acceptance speech last night at Public Knowledge‘s awards event was terrific, and later in the crowd I talked to enough people to know that I wasn’t the only one who thought so. She sang the “Copying Is Not Theft song live, and had the audience singing along. (Did anyone get a video?? 🙂 )
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